All of us are well aware that Petrol Prices in the country were deregulated in 2010 and subsequently decontrol of Diesel Prices was carried out in 2014 so as to end the era of subsidy given to Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs). Therefore, petrol as well as diesel prices became dependent on international market rates of crude oil. In the year 2017, OMCs were permitted to revise fuel rates on daily basis instead of changing them on quarterly basis. It is worth mentioning that the daily price changes for Petrol as well as Diesel are effected at 6.00 am every day.

2.           Apart from purchase price of crude oil from international market, various costs involved in the production of fuels from initial stage to the final stage such as refining and processing of crude oil and freight etc. are added up to work out the Fuel Price after Processing. Thereafter, to determine final price to be borne by the end users/customers, excise and custom duties levied by Central Government and VAT by respective State Govt. are  loaded to it. These taxes so levied  contribute substantially for respective Government’s exchequer. Further, it is clear from the undernoted table that these taxes account for a major chunk of the cost of petrol for the retail customers.

3.         The undernoted table would assist us to understand various components in finalization of petrol prices.

                                                                                                   Amount in Rupees

Calculation of Retail Price for Petrol (per litre)  in DELHI  as on 10th May,2021


Basic OMC Cost Calculation


    (i)  Crude Oil 


    (ii)Refinery Processing + Refinery Margins + OMC Margin+ Freight Cost, Logistics


(a) Fuel Price after Processing 


Central Government Taxes & Dealer Commission


(i)Additional: Excise Duty + Road Cess as Charged by Central Government


(ii) Commission to Petrol Pump Dealers


(b) Fuel Cost Before VAT


(iii) Additional :VAT @ 30%


©Final Retail Price per litre in Delhi 



               Data tabulated above, clearly reflects that the cost of Petrol Price after processing by OMCs works out to be just below 37% or so  of the final petrol price shell out by the consumers. However, a major chunk of Retail Price ( approx. 59%) fills the kitty of different Governments. Here it is also pertinent to note that while Central Govt. taxes are calculated/levied Petrol per litre i.e. quantity specific, State Governments Sales Tax (VAT) is charged on ad valorem basis. Of course, excise duty etc. is revised, frequently, in recent past.

 4.        In today’s dynamic situation, it is fair enough that on fluctuation in international crude prices there is bound to be revision in domestic prices. However, on reduction of international prices, at times, southward trend of prices is not reflected in domestic market. Mainly due to  upward revision in Central/State taxes. As such, common man is deprived of benefit/ advantage of softness in crude prices, internationally. Recently, in some states, petrol price per litre has crossed century mark. A record high, indeed. Fuel price in different states differs depending upon the incidence of local taxes such as VAT and freight charges.       

5       In the present regime of decontrol of prices, no one would  and should complain against fluctuation in domestic  prices (up and down) since the crude  prices are linked to Global Market. However, to be fair enough, undernoted suggestions may be taken into consideration by the concerned authorities:

     1.    All Govt. taxes on fuel to be levied as specific duties (quantity based) and not on ad valorem basis.

    2.    There should be a system in place  to ensure that frequency of rationalization of Excise and Custom duties, (specific duties) to be  restricted once or twice  in a year. Further, it will be preferable that  revision is mandated by  the Parliament.

3.    During election process, in any part of the country, fuel prices need to be worked out regularly by Oil Marketing Companies on daily basis, as usual, and implemented, accordingly. 

 4.   Use of an alternate fuel in place of petrol/diesel is to be encouraged particularly for personal and commercial vehicles. E-mobility which is already there, though at a limited scale, is an important example of alternate / renewable source of energy. At present, though EV market penetration is quite low, the GOI is working on it and has set an ambitious target to improve E-mobility substantially by 2030. The move would not only reduce dependence on crude oil but also contribute to combat pollution

5. Last but not the least, levy of sales tax (VAT) on petroleum products to be brought under the ambit of    GST Council, a constitutionally mandated federal body.

                                           Stay home, Stay Safe. Stay blessed.







  1. Relevant issue in the present scenario. Suggestions given are worth implementing.

  2. Within the next ten years, there should be a sea change in the type of fuel used for motor vehicles. Apart from electric vehicles the shift would be towards hydrogen vehicles. Electricity has a secondary fallout in the way it is generated such as from coal / oil etc. which causes considerable atmospheric pollution. The need of the hour is non polluting Electricity production.

  3. Despite the fuel prices being deregulated, these are still decided politically, as we observe that during any state/ parliament elections, prices are halted for some days. As regards bringing it GST, states are reluctant because already after GST introduction, their resources have dried up whereas Center's financial muscles have been strengthened.

    1. I strongly feel that VAT should be ad-valorem basis and the POL should be within the ambit of GST. Further, increase in Excise, there should be some check.

  4. Interesting. We need to bring them under GST. Obviously, the share of states will go down but it will be beneficial to all in the long run. Ditto for booze

  5. Very well explained! It is a good revision of how fuel pricing is done. The suggestions are worthy of consideration by the government. However, the current situation of imposing higher taxes and unrelenting increase in prices is due to need to build infrastructure which has taken a backseat over the past decades.

    1. There is no in-build mechanism to ascertain that increase in taxes is being put to use for particular infra-structure project or otherwise. It must be in public domain.

  6. Nice effort to tackle a burning topic, lucifly elaborated.
    Petroleum prices are gimmicks played by the govts. Taxes viz
    . VAT CST SST are the main components of the prices which are played by the Centre and States like ping pong. Unless our Crude based energy dependent is not shifted to other renewable sources of energy, we are bound to bear these burnts.

  7. Nicely brought out the burnic topic covering entire gamut of pricing. May consider the analysis of Statewise VAT and freight components

    1. Statewide data can be tabulated. However, my idea was to just reflect the broad picture of Govt. charges on the basic petrol price.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Very well explained n summarise the burning topic of present scenario with few good suggestions; required to be considered.

  10. Wonderful Article on the crisis. The way forward is also well crafted .It needs exclusive will to move into solution mode

  11. DR Tanushree chawlaJune 4, 2021 at 7:49 AM

    Very interesting article on an extremely pertinent and burning issue in current times. Very informative indeed

  12. Very nice solution driven write up, explained in an easy way.

  13. Thanks for providing a lucid description of an important and a complex process of revenue generation through oil and petrol prices. Additionally, knowing the historical context that led to deregulation of petroleum prices and the vision of then regime will help us further clarifying various questions raised here.

    In addition, not having a downward trend in prices/taxes levied by the government when the oil prices go down raise an eyebrow at the intention of the respective institutions (central or state both). As it may look simple and obvious step to be taken. I expect the respective governments have a good reason and therefore, they should clarify it. Also, putting out in public how they are using the tax in favour of public good /infrastructure development may help in clarifying the point above.

    About using electricity at mass scale, it definitely looks lucrative option for it is so called petrol/oil free and enviornment friendly. However, considering the massive electricity production needed at such a mass scale especially when we don't have enough electricity across the country to support day to day activities puts a question mark? Second, it is also a question if how the electricity to be used here is generated - dams ? not environment freindly.
    windmills? - we don't have enough.

    I would say there is no panacea. We need multiple solutions like :
    1. variety of vehicles in terms of fuel being used (mix of CNG, electric, hydrogen fuel, diesel and petrol)
    2. emphasis on public transport
    3. discouraging using of vehicles at individual level for a smaller trips , e.g. road tax, increase in the road infrastrcture in favour of bike and padeastrian transport.

    Well, here are my two cents.

    Thanks and Regards
    Sivee Chawla

    1. Your views are well taken. You have suggested and suggested correctly to check dependence on Petrol/ Diesel especially for road transportation ( Passenger vehicles). Petroleum Products are also used heavily by Railways as well as airlines. At the same time, huge demand for diesel in Agriculture Sector cannot be overlooked. We also cannot ignore industry sector demand too. Therefore, in case on reduction in international price of crude, the respective Centre/State Govts jack up duties on final processed products ,the very purpose of decontrol and to adopt market mechanism for prices of POL stands defeated.

    2. Now that I am thinking again on it, is it possible that the government is providing subsidy and tax cuts elsewhere on petroleum and related products and focussing on end users ? May be it is worth finding out.


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