The article is an attempt to pen down certain fundamental transformations that may, to my mind, take place Post-Pandemic Era in Indian Society.


 (a) With the Covid-19 pandemic taking its substantial toll on our finances, cutting down on unnecessary expenses become an absolute necessity for many of us. I am of  firm conviction that the “Aspirational Consumer Behaviour” may witness a perceptible change. In turn, people would scale down on discretionary spending—whether that is shopping, foreign or domestic   travel or such other expenditure. Restriction on frequent international travel or for that matter even domestic travel cannot be ruled out.

 (b) Celebrations necessarily have to be subdued and sombre. Reduction in festivities is bound to be there on the cards. Conspicuous consumption, per force, will come down due to social as well as official dictates. Optimal use of resources, austere behaviour and frugal attitude may be observed even in social media posts too. Frugality and no waste culture are going to be become a lifestyle choice for many of us. It is believed that consumer demand is likely to remain tepid for a few months after Covid. In short, slow-food, slow-life, Eco-friendly and anti-consumerism movement may get thrust during the “Life after Covid”

(c) There is absolutely no doubt that the lockdown has taught us a basic lesson to be patient, take a pause and realize that life can be a minimalist paradise. Life is not to be taken for granted, such as freedom to step out, meet people and hug our loved ones. Social distancing seems to be the game,Post Covid.  Realization of taking a break from the rat race and chill out has crept in the mind of public. Therefore, USA / Europe and some other countries will become less attractive due to the severity of the pandemic experience globally. It may create a trust deficit for migrants for a considerable period of time to come. I further envisage that the world leaders, particularly, with autocratic tendencies will come out of the pandemic with greater leverage to control and close off societies, including democratic societies.

(d) It is my personal observation that millennial love for gardening and plant culture bloomed/ cultivated during lockdown period in a big way. It may lead, more of them, to discover their green thumbs. The gardening skill acquired is bound to have demonstrated effect on their off-springs. Any such interest and enthusiasm nurtured may continue and sustain as hobby for them Post Covid period. Apart from substantial improvement in environment, it would have soothing effect in the society, as a whole.

(e) Similarly, the people must have noticed that picking up of cooking, washing and performing other routine chores, skills, at home during lockdown, is a great workout. Further, in the absence of domestic help, Covid fear lead to DIY (Do It Yourself) mode which may become a hobby for a good number of people as is the practice in Western countries. Even, instead of visiting saloons and barber shop, self-grooming my become order of the day.

(f) Present unprecedented crises have re-affirmed the belief that every strata of society has vital role to play. It is not only rich and the upper classes that are important and indispensable. During Covid, apart from Frontline Health Warriors such as doctors, paramedics, police, labourer, sanitation workers and other such people played their roles sincerely and effectively. They, in fact, emerged as rising stars of society. Hats off to them. 

(g)People, of late, realizing that we as a human race are dispensable and everything on this planet are not at our disposal. It’s a shared space we must live in harmony with nature. Survival of nature is of paramount importance.


(a)  During lockdown period, people inched towards religion and religious activities. In fact, to my mind, lockdown provided an opportunity to increase frequency of prayers and spiritual practices. A marked positive inclination towards spirituality could be observed. The faith in Super-Power was clearly discernible and comprehensible from the social media such as Face Book, WhatsApp, Twitter and other messages widely circulating/ viral in the society.

(b) Even national electronic media contributed immensely by playing epics such as “The Ramayana” , “The Mahabharata” and other religious serials. A commendable job, indeed. These epics deeply enthused particularly our youngsters and aroused their interest in our rich heritage, culture, religious and moral values. Obviously, it has  added responsibilities on present elderly generation to ensure that feelings of excitement and interest so aroused are not only maintained but propagated, extensively.

(c) All of us be individuals, rich or poor, workers, employees, businessman, and industrialist, Religious Institutions, Cultural Organizations and NGOs, contributed as per their capacity generously/magnanimously to mitigate sufferings of needy people. Even people, at various level, volunteered selfless services during the hour of unprecedented crises. I have strong feeling and belief that this gesture would and should continue even Post Covid-19 too as a norm in the society.


(a)  Presently, it is widely accepted that in the absence of early breakthrough of a vaccine for Corona, the chances of tapering off of the disease in the immediate future appears to be bleak. As it is evident that coronavirus is not going away in a hurry, and we will have to learn to live with it – take every precaution, but not be paranoid. Hence, we would, per force, require an adjustment to live with Coronavirus.

(b)   Post lockdown Era, social distancing and sanitization has become part of daily life for everyone and particularly in offices; mask may be the part of formal dress. Wearing of gloves is to be mandatory on office premises. Face Shields for Corona Warrior would be visible. Such practices will continue even Post Covid.

(c)   Work-From-Home (WFH), termed as Mini-Offices, would become culture/ norm specifically for private companies. As a rough estimate, it is expected that Corporate would prefer and restrict to office access to only 33-50% employees. Reduction in travel time and cost effectiveness would be an added advantage under WFH Business Model. Need for arranging big parking spaces by corporate for its employees would be dispensed with. New work culture would result in reduction of the number of leaves in a year and increase productivity and focus on goal achievement. It is envisaged that Remote Work model will become the rule for many jobs, not the exception

(d)   As a precautionary measure, the facility of canteen etc. may be dispensed with at offices. Employees may carry their own food, water and cutlery. Even to enjoy a cup of tea during working hours, the employees irrespective of their positions have to arrange for it themselves by using electric kettle in their respective cabins. In short, provision of cafeteria spaces to entertain all their employees, by the organizations, will be a history.

(e)    Instead of holding face to face official meetings at various levels, virtual meetings would be encouraged and become established norm, henceforth.

(f)   Possibility of entry of those above 55 years of age and staff members with chronic ailments may be restricted to WFH only instead of Office. It may become universal practice be it Corporate or Govt. Offices.


(a)   At the outset, pandemic has exposed not only India but the entire world that there is dire needs to enhance funds allocation on health infrastructure. Health facilities are woefully inadequate and insufficient to deal with such challenging times. Conscious efforts on the part of various Governments to ramp up medical infrastructure will become a necessity. Emphasis on primary health and personal hygiene would, henceforth, would be primary concern for all the stakeholders in the society.  People, at large, it is expected, would be immunity conscious. Consequently, reliance on other School of Medicines such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy etc. may also get their share. 

(b)Economy of the country is seriously hit due to all round slowdown in the different sectors. Unemployment rate was at peak (at an all-time-high) during lockdown period as stringent lockdown has caused unemployment, sparking an exodus of migrant labourers from cities. Further, it is learnt from media that certain corporate may plan layoffs to cut fixed costs for their survival in the dampen market conditions. This apart, stress on supply chains, decrease in government income, collapse of the tourism and hospitality industry, reduced consumer activities and plunge in fuel consumption observed

(c) However, of late, revival of economy is picking up with start of Unlock 1.0. With the implementation of stimulus package, industries and business activities are limping back towards normalcy. With expectation of good monsoon coupled with thrust to Atma Nirbhar, would have positive impact. Restriction on imports from China and boycott call given by public at large would further push Industrial/ Business activities in near future. It may possibly boost “Make in India” concept. An excellent opportunity to turn the crisis into an advantage. Self-reliance and innovation would be basic Mantra for our progress. A number of companies particularly autos, semiconductors and medical equipment belonging to various countries are moving or planning to move at least part of their supply chains from out of China. It is an appropriate time to attract such manufacturing industries to India. However, India needs to act, swiftly.


(a) During the unprecedented crises the process of Reverse Migration and mass exodus of labourers from cities to villages was witnessed. चलो, लौट चले,गॉव की ओर became the norm on account of tremendous hardship be it unemployment, reduction in purchasing power and emotional family bonds.

(b) The Labour crunch coupled with high costs may hit the various industries and their capacity may impair in near future. Even the Agriculture sector will be badly affected. To revive the economy, now efforts at all levels (be public or private) are under way to woo back migrant workers who, till other day, were not in the mainstream as the policy makers failed to recognize their contribution. In fact, the pandemic has brought into sharp focus and importance of this forgotten population of country.

(c) Looking further to migrant issue, the pandemics is making life in small town and cities more attractive not just for retired folk, but even youngsters. A reverse migration cannot be ruled out. Certain Property Consultancy expects reverse migration from off-roasted urban professional to spur housing demand in Tier 2 and 3 cities. Reverse/ less migration of people to cities in search of jobs and states must become self-reliant in terms of job opportunities



  1. Extensively narrative. Realistic and no theory. I only wonder once we are out of pandemic, we may come out to binge with double force.

  2. Very exhaustive and informative. The earlier we realise this, the better it's for the human race and environment.

  3. Crisp article. It is a good starting point for various healthy and in-depth discussions and discourse on how the life should exactly be beyond COVID -19.

  4. Very subscribed presentation of life after covid'19,Well said.

  5. Very subscribed presentation of life after covid'19,Well said.-J.S.Vishnoi

  6. Very well written with specifically on the life after Covid

  7. Well written and very informative!

  8. A very positive outlook amid crisis, this gives us hope and a reason to keep fighting. A very well articulated and well researched article.

  9. Very well analysed and narrated.

  10. Very well analysed and narrated.

  11. Very good article ��

  12. Very well analysis .Positively there is going to be a chage in our thoughts and see life differently after Corona. I hope the realistic views prevails and taught to the future generation I per say am already learning so much while Corona is there.

  13. A good piece and critique observations. Above all this has also made one realise the futility of discriminating people based on religion, caste, politics etc and everybody was equal in front of such a pandemic and any amount of wealth amassed becomes useless in such a situation. If this realisation Dawn's of everybody, that will be a great lesson taught by the virus!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


  15. Farsighted vision of the situation .....analytically articulated , extensively narrated article . Deserve to be read .


  16. Well said ..totally agree with these realistic thoughts

  17. M.P.Gargi . Melbourne.
    Felicitation. A master piece covering various aspects, if contemlated & adopted in life, living style of society may be like ram-rajya concept. thanks.


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