
Showing posts from December, 2020
                 BATTLE BETWEN PATHOGEN & HUMAN BEING Vaccine  is a burning issue worldwide since outbreak of Covid-19 in December, 2019. In India the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Jan. 2020. Each and everyone be it medical community, drug manufacturing companies, scientists/researchers, public at large, various governments in the world anxious and keen to follow the progress made in development of Vaccine against Covid -19. While there is a substantial improvement in development of anti-Covid vaccine, detailed subsequently, I would like to discuss, in brief, certain important aspects/features of the vaccine    2. We are well aware that vaccines are one of the most important tools in combatting infectious diseases. Before the discovery and widespread use of vaccine, many infectious diseases were responsible for mortality and morbidity in millions of people. Entire world has witnessed that over a period of time, vaccines have tremendously and dramatically improv